Hello everyone and welcome back! We have an exciting topic to discuss today, communication and how it can be effective when problem solving. When I personally think of problems within the famiy, the main conflict would have to be communication between each other. Knowing how to communicate with your family members can reduce a lot of unwanted stress and anxieties. Typically once the conversation is over with, it appears the weight of the world has been lifted off of your shoulders.
As you all know based off of my previous blogs, I like to relate these topics to my personal experiences. I believe personal insight on these topics gives me s voice which is heard. I hope through my experiences I can guide others to see things through a different perspective. Hopefully, the ultimate goal is through my experience’s you may be able to prevent dangerous ones for your families or even yourselves.
Effective communication is one of the most important tools I have today in my life. If you would of asked me a couple of years ago I would of laughed. I used to be the personal that avoided any conflict. I grew up in a broken home where I got used to my voice being nonexistent. I continued this behavior as I got older and I began to believe my thoughts and feelings did not matter. I know today that is false and I was trained to behave a certain way.
Effective communication is scary. If you are anything like me, I run through the scenario or hard conversation a million times. The hope is that I can find a scenario which ends the way I want it to. Typically, I tend to stress myself out and become overly anxious over having the conversation. This typically goes on until I cannot handle it anymore and I just have the conversation with an honest heart and loving perspective. I want to say nine out of ten times, I have found the conversation to go much better than my mind made it out to be. I always love to focus on the feeling of peace after having difficult conversations.
Today I have a much different perspective on this topic. Not only have I seen the negative effects within the family caused by poor communication. I had a first row seat of the destruction of an entire family based off of the inability to have hard conversations. Scary right? Actually it is not so scary when you really take a clear look at it. It could have been prevented as a result of two individuals sitting down and talking openly and honestly. Taking the time to listen to one another and be open minded to what the other person was expressing. We all have our own truth. I have heard many times how there are three parts to every story, your truth, their truth, and the real truth. We all experience and view things differently and we cannot truly understand the opposing side unless we try to understand their emotions and experiences.
I would like to point out how through my experience I learned how to confront conflict head on. This does not mean I am confrontational, rather it means I do not like to hold onto unnecessary stress or tension between my relationships. I tend to gather my thoughts on the situation which is bothering me and have an honest conversation with that person. I have found the less time I have to think about it, the less I am to stress or fear the conversation. I have seen a drastic change in my relationships as a result of communicating to problem solve within those relationships. I have seen the rebuilding of a family, which is based off of open communication and talking about the things which are uncomfortable. I see the difference it makes in everyone’s lives.
I want to close by involving church culture into this post. As a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, I want to challenge all of you to invite the spirit into your hearts when preparing to have a difficult conversation. It is imperative to I invite the spirit into your hearts because these types of discussions should be based off of love and compassion. As we invite the spirit into our hearts we begin to strive to be like Christ. Maybe the real question we should be asking ourselves is, “how would God want me to have this conversation?” and “how can I strive to be understanding, just like I hope Jesus Christ will be on judgement day?” I promise as a result of taking this direction you will see a change in your relationships.
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