Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! I have an exciting topic for everyone today and we will be developing a deeper understanding of sexual intimacy. Some may think this is an awkward conversation to talk about. However, it is important in any relationship. The main component is communication between partners. Your significant other may emotionally think they are not able to please you in the way you desire which can cause them to be more reserved and distant. Although communication is important it should be discussed with your significant other unless seeing outside professional help for further guidance and understanding.
There are three stages of sexual intimacy, from where we start off to where we finish. These difference stages are arousal, plateau and climax. Now the important thing to remember when talking about sexual intimacy is how men and woman react differently. Men have a stronger initial level of arousal which allows them to reach their climax much faster than the women. Women take longer to reach different levels and typically can hit the plateau and sometimes not even reach their climax. This is important to remember because it can cause problems in relationships of men not being able to please their significant other.
These three stages can create many challenging opportunities between two partners however it can also be perceived as an beneficial opportunity. I believe God has a plan for everything and therefore we were developed a certain way for a reason. I think God created men to sexually react quicker than women for an important lesson. Sexual intimacy is sacred and should be shared between a husband and a wife, once they are properly married. I believe God developed men like this in order to force them to think about their wives when they are being intimate. My reasoning for believing this is because these sexual experiences are supposed to be shared. It is not about the man or woman being please. It is about the coming together of two people and expressing their love towards each other. This process provides a husband to be selfless and think of their wives as they are being intimate in order for both of them to reach climax and be sexually pleased together.
There is a common cycle with women and men when it comes to being sexually intimate. Men typically refer to sex as a way to feel safe, warm and close to their significant other. Women tend to need to feel safe, warm and close to their significant other to consider being sexually intimidate with them. This is another key component to take into consideration because it illustrates how the male and female body or mind, work differently.
Sexual intimacy is the process of creating and releasing dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin. Females also have another chemical in their bodies called oxytocin. Oxytocin is the process of a female becoming attached and connected to their sexual partner. It is common for females who have had multiple meaningless encounters to have a harder time becoming connected with their significant other. Normally men do not have this initial reaction which can cause women to become insecure and struggle mentally if the male does not purse a relationship with them. Mainly causing mental health symptoms to develop which make women react different and ultimately struggle to develop a mental or emotional connection with their significant other.
Another factor to take into consideration is the anatomy of men and woman. Men have an exterior anatomy which shows an instant reaction, while women have an internal anatomy which is harder to see or identify. Typically men’s sex drive can be a controversial conversation between a couple. Often women can say things like, “All they want is to have sex with me 24/7”. Although this may seem true it can also be explained. Men bodies become sexually active every two to three days and women can take up to twenty eight days for their cycle to restart of them wanting to be sexually intimate. This is important to remember when being in a relationship because it explains the differences in sexual interactions. It is important because your significant other many either appear to be too interested or not interested at all and it all comes back to the anatomy and how the body works depending on gender.
The ultimate goal of today’s blog is to help you all understand the process of sexual intimacy. This is still considered to be sacred to the LDS community although the world does not see it that way. I hope everyone chooses to wait until marriage to experience the intense emotions which go with being sexually active with someone you truly love. It has been proven that those who have less or no sexual interactions before getting married have a better relationship due to an emotional connection which has not been interfered with. I hope you all get to experience this part of love with your spouse one day.
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